RP tag on: Usually people watching and open for contact
/t "mare" for it - if you know you know

Sanguine Snowfall

  "Sometimes it's not about whether you win or lose. Sometimes, it's about how many new entries you add to the rulebook."  

30's . they/them . newfoundland time - 15+ yrs RP experience

I play two characters who are married to each other for a myriad of reasons, but mostly they're art related. I get the urge to draw nsfw/romantic art quite frequently and just using my own characters for it prevents any drama for who I do/do not choose to draw.They're both polyamorous, so it doesn't really matter in IC regards. They're both open to flings and hookups.

Rule 001.

  • 18+ only

I do all sorts of RP from A to Z with a hefty dose of E, but it's not required or even really sought out at most times. That being said this character is strictly geared towards adults. I will not RP with any character or player under 18 except in the case of public RP events where I can't control who attends.

Rule 003.

  • I enjoy dark themes in fiction

as long as the story is engaging. So please don't be afraid of running something in particular by me. The worst I can say is no and I expect the same respect.

Rule 005.

  • No grimdark without party hats

While dark and dramatic storytelling is great, much like watching a horror movie it can become emotionally intense for the writers. In these situations, I welcome and encourage someone bringing in something comedic or silly to break the tension.

Rule 007.

  • Lore-adherence (semi-strict)

I generally try to adhere to the lore we're given and never actually break it. Literally everything I do with my characters ultimately has a basis in the lore and I am happy to chat about the lore and what we can do with it at any time - it's my special interest!That being said I believe in bending and extrapolating on the lore we're given (especially the parts that don't make sense or are contradictory within the game itself) to tell the stories we want to tell.I'm probably not interested in playing with a yakuza kitsune brother of hildibrand who is also half primal half voidsent half robot all in one, but honestly if you can come up with some kind of reasonable lore explanation for something you're doing I'll almost always happily go with it.

Rule 009.

  • My discord handle is not for sale

Rule 002.

  • My character will never be monogamous

I get it - some people want one dedicated RP partner for everything. I cannot be that person. I've had boundaries pushed on an OOC level, so this will never happen. Multishipping is something I'll always do, but if you wish, I can create an offshoot timeline just for a particular ship. Communication between writers is key here.

Rule 004.

  • Keep IC and OOC separate

Just because characters may be romantically or sexually involved doesn't mean that we, the writers, are.I'm not interested in romantic connections. If something ever happens between friends organically that's one thing, but please do not approach this as if OOC dating will ever happen.

Rule 006.

  • Unacceptable themes

Transphobia, homophobia, racism, death of my character or permanent injury or dismemberment (unless discussed first).Consent is required to touch on any themes that may permanently alter another person's character.

Rule 008.

  • Interactions with canon character RPers

Ultimately I have no problem doing this, especially on platforms such as tumblr or F-list, but I will likely not consider them intimately canon to my characters.Should I, for example, have some kind of ongoing narrative with someone playing as Y'shtola and I feel like it's compelling enough to carry over into the main lore for my character, I'll likely swap Y'shtola herself for "a miqo'te wizard I know" to avoid stepping on anyone's toes regarding head canons and lore.


  •   name    Marquis Xavier Hayward.

  •   alias    "Carmine".

  •   age    28.

  •   pronouns    she/they.

  •   gender   demi-woman (agender leaning female)

  •   species    Hyur.

  •   birthdate    October 13.

  •   sexuality    Polyamorous bisexual (prefers women).

  •   origin    Coerthas.

  •   location    Variable.

  •   temperment    Melancholic

  •   mbti    INTJ.

  •   alignment    Chaotic Good (Type B: Goodness Before Freedom)

  •   class (name/represented by)    Dark Knight, Reaper, Elementalist (VPR/NIN), Fencer (RDM), FSH, CRP, CUL


  •   height    5'11.

  •   weight    around 170 ponze.

  •   build    Athletic, toned.

  •   eyes    red

  •   hair    pale blonde, red streaks.

  •   notable marks    scarification-tattoo of a sword, with a rose on the hilt, and thorns going down the blade, along spine.

  •   scars    A lot

  •   languages    Old Ishgardian, Common Eorzean, Hingan, Thieves' Cant

  •   etnicity    Ishgardian Hyur

  •   voiced by    (I'd probably hire Hiiragi Yuu)


A dour dark knight, haunted by their past and the path they now have to walk.But beneath that lies a gregarious and social person with a snarky sense of humour and a true love of good conversation, good food, and good drinks. She'll be the first to admit to being a bit of a hedonist and play(tom)boy, living for the moment (and for their duty to the ones they've vowed to protect).When it comes to their duty - to protect the innocent and stand opposed to abusive systems wherever they find them - they are determination incarnate, seeing whatever task they take up through to the bitter end - whatever the cost, in lives or in personal loss, so long as innocents are not harmed. This unwavering resolve lends them great strength of will and absolute ruthlessness at getting what needs to be done done, with a willingness to make hard decisions others might struggle with, at their best.But at their worst, it can make them stubborn, difficult to get along with, and at risk of making dangerous mistakes with unforeseen circumstances.But every person has flaws, and what would be a Dark Knight without a dark side?


mead, fancy cigars, fancy coffee, chocobos, chocobo racing, chocobo dressage, raising chocobos, training chocobos, cooking, travel, sparring, exercise in general, women

being stifled, assumptions, most systems of power and those who would abuse them for their own gain, resource hoarders/greed, being the little spoon, being touched without permission, VOIDSENT

guitar, being a coffee snob, poetry, homebrew winemaking, chocobo racing/husbandry, meditation, teasing short people, fishing, amateur handiness


Not required reading
Just facts about Xavier and House Hayward


  • Xavier prefers masculine terms and adjectives; Lord, marquis, ser, etc. Calling them handsome instead of pretty will be received well, and other such things.

  • Xavier uses they/them and she/her pronouns interchangeably and will be happy for people to swap as often as possible.

  • They speak with a distinctive rural coerthan accent, but the way they pronounce some words is distinctly Lominsan from spending a few years living there.

  • They're far from neurotypical.

  • Xavier is intersex. They do not consider themself to be strictly 'male' or 'female' and received treatment in Sharlayan for the condition.

  • Xavier is actually quite devout to Halone although even before reformation they had issues with how the Ishgardian Othodox Church handled things. They're glad to see the church reforming.

  • Xavier's Reaper avatar has an entire name, personality, and backstory which ties in with theirs.

  • Xavier has The Echo, although they are not particularly skilled at it. It does protect them from certain problems though.

  • Xavier has a tendency to give nearly everyone they meet some kind of nickname or pet name.

  • Xavier is something of a chronic flirt and doesn't really mean to come off that way.

  • They can be easily flustered if one can figure out how to push their buttons.

  • They're a bit of a coffee snob and enjoy trying different types of coffee from around the world. They WILL critique the grind and roast and not regret a single second of it.

  • Xavier has a good relationship with their father, but a horrible one with their mother. Most of their problems with voidsent stem from her.

  • Xavier wanted to be a dragoon as a child like their father was but their father forbade it. This backfired.

  • The abuse Xavier suffered at their mother's hands resulted in them suffering an aetheric affliction that they consider to be something akin to a chronic illness. They don't talk about it much except to very close, trusted individuals. Some very magically sensitive folks might notice something off about her, but she's still not likely to divulge anything about it.

  • Xavier is polyamorous, as is their wife - and the rest of the polycule.

  • The line between friends and lovers is blurred for them.

  • They're fond of children and enjoy taking care of them and babysitting. They'll even help out at the orphanage in their hometown when they have time. They spoil their step-nieces rotten.

  • Their Unsundered self was named Dionysus.

House Hayward

  • House Hayward is a very small, minor noble House, one of the few Hyuran families to hold noble title within the Holy See.

  • House Hayward can be traced back to to some earlier years of the Dragonsong War. Ser Alaryc Hayward, a hyuran knight, was renowned for unwavering dedication and strategic brilliance. His exceptional deeds of bravery and valor earned him a small parcel of land and a minor noble title.

  • House Hayward closely works under House Hallienarte, collaborating on and supporting the endeavors of the High House.

  • House Hayward is jointly managed by Ayula Hayward and Xavier Hayward (cousins); Ayula, the official Head of House, playing politics in Ishgard proper and Xavier overseeing management of the town on their lands.

  • They govern a small town in Western Coerthas near Dravania. The location was strategically important during the Dragonsong War. This is why they use the titles of Marquis/Marchioness (despite that term not actually appearing ingame anywhere) - same rank as viscount, but denoting those who manage an 'edge'/border of an area. Literally Edge Lord. It's a funny haha joke.

  • The town was known for their Lavender fields, and were somewhat famous for their exports of soap, wine, and essential oils.

  • The town had to restructure after the Calamity; Xavier has brought in magitek greenhouses to support the lifestyle of what residents are left, and a paper mill has sprung up within the forest bordering the town.

  • All blood descendants of the house contain a y somewhere in their forename in honor of Ser Alaryc, with Xavier being the sole exception. The Y is in their middle name instead.

  • House Hayward has suffered recent scandals that tarnished their reputation. Ayula and Xavier both seek to restore the house's honor.

  • They're very concerned with the well being of the people they govern and go out of their way to be as hands on in attending to their needs as possible.

  • House Hayward sponsored the Free Company "Voidbane Vanguard", which consists of a very small force of freelancer adventurers dedicated to exterminating voidsent. They're registered with the Temple Knights.


Echo Bearer
As an Echo bearer, Xavier is able to sometimes receive information about others. They're not very strong in it but it can be used to facilitate some plots.
In addition, as an Echo bearer they are known to organizations that study into the gift, such as the Scions. Xavier declined to be involved with them for personal reasons.Criminal Record
Xavier has one, particularly in Limsa Lominsa and Ul'dah. What did they do? It wasn't usually violent, though some yellowjackets may have lost their lives indirectly.
If you'd like to see if your character can piece together that mystery, feel free to /tell.IshgardiansIf your character is from Ishgard or Coerthas it's entirely possible that we can have them have some kind of pre-established connection. House Hayward may be small but they're active allies of/under House Hallienarte and don't shy away from making connections.Ishgardian underbelly or criminal affairs are even more welcome - Xavier goes where they need to to get things done. They have no scruples dealing with the darker side of things.AdventurersNeed a tank or damage dealer? Xavier is your person. They frequently take commission leves to keep their skills sharp for the real dangers.Voidsent ShenanigansDue to Xavier's past, their hatred towards voidsent has reached an absolute fever pitch. They won't hesitate to try to remove them from the earth - unless they're reigned in by a reaper, and even then, they get suspicion (hypocritical, yes, that's the point). Want some conflict with a voidy character? Here you go!You're a womanizer oh a womanizer oh a wo-womanizer babyXavier has a reputation, especially in Ishgard, for being a notorious womanizer. This started even back when she was a teenager and she's broken a few hearts. There may be room to make some (purely IC) drama here. Xavier these days doesn't go out of their way to break hearts, but they are still a notorious flirt, especially towards the ladies. When it comes to lads, their tastes are a bit narrow, but the player isn't afraid to explore the possibility if it comes up.Doing what Dark Knights do.Xavier has a personal goal to wipe out corruption. Ware.


Xavier As WOL is an AU I have kicking around in my head but it is no way canonical. But it's there if someone is interested, I guess.

The next page may contain adult content and nudity (not likely anything more raunchy than bare boobs, though). Are you over 18 and do you consent to seeing that?